Start claiming your authentic story. Now.

All In

August 30, 2016 Poker Chips_dreamstime_m_35928722

Sometimes when faced with a decision big or small, it’s tempting to drop into a place of wishy-washy reluctance to make a choice.

The problem is that if we agonize over whether to do something, we stop the flow of creativity dead in its tracks. If we’re stuck in that ‘tween place of yes or no, our soul force is inadvertently sucked up by internal debate. Meanwhile, our precious energy could be productively channeled to doing the very thing – or something better – instead of stagnating in a state of limbo.

To languish in the black hole of indecision is to surrender our power of choice. If we ask for nothing specific, then the Universe can only return randomness. If we’re hesitant to declare what we want, the Universe can only be hesitant in its response. Uncertainty begets uncertainty.

Likewise, when we firmly make a decision, the Universe conspires to support the solid ground in which we’ve staked our flag.

Specificity and certainty of request return specificity and certainty of results.

Less than a year ago, I was sharing lunch with a close friend when she shocked and inspired me with the bold declaration to leave her longtime corporate career to pursue her dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Not only had she made the decision, she’d also decided she would do this within a year or  sooner.

She’d long dreamt of starting her own design firm and enjoying the creative, time and money freedom to serve clients while enjoying more time with her infant daughter and husband, but up until then, she’d been reluctant because she had no idea how to go about it.

The thing is, at that lunch she still had no idea how this would come about, but she decided with absolute certainty she was doing this anyway. She was all in.

Over the course of the next eight months, her decision opened previously unimaginable doors. Clients seeking her services appeared from “out of the blue.” Seemingly random friends of friends appeared with a keen interest in investing in the kind of business she wanted to build.

Ultimately, a friend connected her to the ideal creative company where she could maintain her corporate salary on a part-time basis, creating the time to spend with her daughter and focus on building her own business. All of this borne of her courageous willingness to make a decision.

Are you on the fence about something right now? If so, go and make that decision.  Put your chips in the center of the table for what you’d love.

In order to claim the authentic story of our lives, we have to be all in.

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