Sandbagging is a technique often used to mitigate the risk of failure, to aim for something less than what is possible to help ensure we don’t fall short of our expectations. I learned the term years ago in my first sales job, when the annual budget I’d submitted was viewed as much too conservative. I was told to stop “sandbagging” and shore up my numbers. When I blew my revised budget out of the water, it raised speculation as to whether even my inflated numbers had still been sandbagged.
While sandbagging might appear to be an effective strategy on the surface, the truth is we sell ourselves short if we strive for less than that of which we are fully capable.
My awareness of my default tendency to play things safe was heightened during a recent series of workouts with my trainer. Each time Ryon taught me a new exercise, he started at a weight that I immediately wanted to reject as too heavy. At his insistence, I’d reluctantly try and then most times be pleasantly surprised that I was capable of more than I’d initially acknowledged.
After this happened numerous times, I became cognizant of a pattern and began to reflect on what was really happening. While my trainer was doing a great job of testing me, the real story was that my Ego took comfort in working below my real limits, thereby ensuring I’d nail every challenge.
The thing is if I’d continued to sandbag my abilities, I’d have defeated the purpose of new and more challenging workouts. I would remain stagnant in my desire to continually strengthen and tone my body.
Whether it’s a seemingly small goal or a big dream, if we send a repeated message to our subconscious mind of artificial limitations, we essentially train ourselves to stay stuck within those lower, false expectations.
Take inventory of where sandbagging might be artificially holding you back from fully claiming the authentic story of your life. Set your sights on the unchartered horizons of your very heart and soul’s desires.
Dare to believe in your true limitless potential.