Start claiming your authentic story. Now.

Guilt No More

Guilt and martyrdom are overrated.  How much sense does it really make to make ourselves feel bad about something we truthfully desire and enjoy, a well-earned accomplishment, or a gift received from the hand of another’s kind gesture? The voice of the Ego has us so well trained when something great happens, it's as though we see a bully in school walking down the hall… read more

One Love

One Love

When we dissolve the illusions of separation from one another, we get to the heart of the matter:  We're all really one, the human collective of life.  Recognize that the other person is you, and you are them. I haven't always readily understood the meaning of this core Kundalini yoga teaching, but more and more I see the extraordinary wisdom in seemingly ordinary encounters. During… read more

Big Heart

Why Not Me?

It is every human being's birthright to live their dreams, to love and be loved, yet often we aren't even aware that we subconsciously make ourselves the exception to the rule. My limiting beliefs around deserving trace back to my earliest childhood memories, when it was ingrained in my young mind that being selfless is the right thing to do.  When there was something worth… read more