Start claiming your authentic story. Now.

Express Yourself

While writing in the wee hours of the morning recently, a conversation began playing out in my head on why blogging is so important to me when my body begged for sleep instead. It was troublesome that I didn't have an immediate answer, but perhaps that was due to my near exhaustion.  The question had a hint of familiarity, reminding me of when some friends… read more

Summer Palace

From A Different Vantage Point

Things aren't always what they seem, and so the adage goes.  However, the human brain is an incredibly powerful machine that makes it difficult to convince us otherwise unless we have the awareness and willingness to consider that the truth may be, in fact, different from appearances. Our history as the human race is filled with many a chapter where individuals and groups have been… read more

Wage a Winning War on Disappointment

We have the collective power to wage a winning war on disappointment.  How?  By being deliberate in and mindful of the expectations we set, for others and for ourselves. Have you ever told someone casually, "Yes, let's get together some time," or told yourself, "I'll take care of that this weekend," full knowing that you have no real intention to follow through? The danger of… read more