"Time and change will surely show, how firm thy friendship, O-HI-O..." This line from my alma mater's song, Carmen Ohio, has been stuck on replay in my mind lately, more for the meaning in the words than for nostalgia around my days at The Ohio State University (where alums make sport of “spelling out” O-H-I-O at interesting places around the world and capturing the Buckeye spirit in photographs. … read more
With This Ring
January 7, 2014Last week, I said "I do" to the most important person in my life - me. At first this might strike you as odd. That was my impression five years ago when I'd first learned of people making vows to themselves, but I didn't have then the perspective and openness of mind from which I benefit today. I must admit that, up until now, I've… read more
Calling Timeout
December 31, 2013In our increasingly hurried society, it seems we're always in such a rush to move to the next thing that we don't take time to recognize and savor all the triumphs in our lives, big and small. Take, for example, my alma mater's football team that recently saw the nation's longest collegiate football winning streak come to an end. The immediate reaction was dismay and… read more