Start claiming your authentic story. Now.

The Choice Is Yours

The sting of rejection can be sharper than the prick of a bee's stinger, but we always have at our disposal the antidote to prevent rejection's sting in the first place: The magic salve of choice, our unequivocal freedom to choose what we want and the meaning we assign to any situation. So often rejection is the result of the Ego feeling bruised because we… read more

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We Create Our Reality

When fear recently rode into my life and tried to pitch camp in the terrain of my mind, I discovered a strong need to seek order in the face of disorder. I'd gotten a scare from my doctor about an abnormality detected in a routine exam, and I wouldn't know whether his suspicions were founded until I had further tests run the next morning. I… read more


Yes, and…

When circumstances or conditions are imperfect to pursue something we'd love, it's all too tempting to retreat. Beautiful dreams and desires fall casualty to two small but hugely debilitating words, "Yes, but..." Yes, we would love to do something, but there's some reason we think we can't move ahead. The part of us that fears failure and the unknown screams to call it a day… read more