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Lend and Receive a Helping Hand

July 15, 2014 dreamstime_l_20314534

My recent musing on the essential life skill of receiving is an incomplete conversation without also addressing the ability to ask freely for help.

None of us can do this thing called life by ourselves.

We all need help on occasion, yet often we’re unwilling to ask or it doesn’t even cross our minds that resources are available simply for the asking.

A dear friend recently reached out to ask for support in promoting an event for her new business. I could feel from reading her message the agonizing discomfort that came from making the request. In fact, her acknowledgment of the awkwardness was part of my inspiration for this writing.

She put to words what so many of us have felt at one time or another, myself included, the notion that there is a limit to the assistance we can seek.  My heart cracked especially when she said, “I have this feeling I have already asked for too much and there is only so much to give.”

This friend is openly generous with her support, always ready to help a sister, yet she seemed racked with guilt to ask for but a small favor.  She enumerated things with which she’d asked for assistance in the past without acknowledging all the times she’d come to the aid of the many of us receiving this particular request.

The latter would far exceed the former, but that’s not the point.  The point is that asking for and giving help is not a one-for-one deal. We ask for help whenever we need it, and we give help whenever we’re able.

There is no limit to the amount of help we can seek.  The Universe is endless in her abundance.  We contribute to the constant replenishment of her limitless wellspring by coming to the aid of others when we can.

It all balances out in the end through each of us showing up and being here, for ourselves and for one another.

The next time you’re slogging through something or trying to figure it out alone, consider asking someone for a hand.  Likewise, be on vigilant alert for others’ SOS signals and help out when you can.  You’ll be better off on both counts.  We’ll all be better off.


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