I recently sat through a service celebrating the life of a colleague who'd passed away and recognized a crucial exception to the magic of the 'do-over' about which I recently mused. While we can redo a conversation or interaction that wasn't an authentic reflection of ourselves, we don't get a do-over for this thing called life. We don't get a do-over for the sum total of… read more
Do Over To Do Good
June 30, 2015At one time or another, we've all said or done something we regret for the impact it had on someone else. That heavy feeling of regret is proportionally magnified by how much we love and care for the person hurt by our words and actions. It can be all too easy to allow such an exchange to attach itself like a tumor to an important… read more
Cast a Kind Word
June 16, 2015It's natural to be curious or worry about what others think of us. Our own fears and insecurities can lead us to believe others think less or even the worst of us when, in fact, the truth of what they see often is a country mile from the erroneous conclusions we might draw on their behalf. It's equally human to sometimes assume that others know… read more