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Cast a Kind Word

June 16, 2015 The Gift of Words

It’s natural to be curious or worry about what others think of us. Our own fears and insecurities can lead us to believe others think less or even the worst of us when, in fact, the truth of what they see often is a country mile from the erroneous conclusions we might draw on their behalf.

It’s equally human to sometimes assume that others know how we regard them. Our feelings and opinions may be so obvious to ourselves that we assume the other person must know what we think. These assumptions also can be way off the mark.

The truth of the matter is we aren’t mind readers. If we stay isolated in our own heads with our own assumptions, we cheat ourselves and each other of the opportunity to turn doubt into hope, insecurities into confidence, fear into courage. Yes, we can do all this simply by sharing a few kind words.

Whether someone makes a positive impact on your day or your life, let them know.

It’s the most basic of human needs to feel valued and appreciated, so if someone’s touched you, touch them in kind with your words.

Even if it seems small or inconsequential to you, communicating your sincere regard will be anything but to them.

I recently had a unique opportunity to experience the powerful medicine of words in my yoga teaching mentorship program. My fellow students, our teacher and I each had a sheet of paper taped to our backs to anonymously receive from each person a single word they’d use to describe us. The only rule was that the word could not be negative. By this time, we’d spent close to a hundred hours together in the studio over five months, plenty of time for impressions to have been formed from teaching and learning together.

I felt eager, excitedly curious and a little trepidation. How did my peers and teachers see me? While I was surprised by some of the words I received (my piece of paper is pictured above), I was even more surprised by the power of the exercise itself.

We each took turns sharing the words we’d been gifted and discussed what they meant to us and how we view ourselves as teachers. Several people were visibly touched by learning what high regard others had for them. Some even struggled to accept that they could be held in such high esteem. This simple but powerful exercise helped tilt the scales of self-perception and self confidence in the best of ways for all of us, both as givers and receivers.

While I normally make it a point to try to make a positive impact on everyone with whom I come in contact, this exercise made me even more acutely aware of the positive difference we can make with our words.

Pay kindness forward and cast kind words in the direction of their inspiration.

By letting someone know the positive influence they have on you, you’re likely to have a positive and expansive effect on them, helping each other claim what is authentically yours.

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The Gift of Words