Start claiming your authentic story. Now.

Shout It From the Rooftops

Somewhere early in my upbringing, I'd acquired the belief that if I wanted something that seemed too good to be true, speaking it would greatly reduce the chances of it happening or even prevent it altogether. At a subconscious level, I'd been programmed to believe that to talk about the very thing I desired would be to jinx myself from getting what I wanted. This… read more


Because You Want To

With the holiday season in full swing, it’s all too easy to fall prey to the feeling of overwhelm that can accompany the endless ‘to do’ list that seems to be part and parcel of this time of year. Decorations to hang, gifts to buy, cards to send, treats to bake, people to see…where does it all end? The sheer volume of tasks can be… read more

12 Almonds

Twelve Almonds

Living in one of the wealthiest countries in the western world, it's all too easy to take for granted the abundance that surrounds us. On the eve of our Thanksgiving holiday, it seems especially timely to push aside the inadvertent veil that plentitude often creates, obscuring the abundance in our lives I experienced a simple but profound reminder of this during my recent fall cleanse… read more