Start claiming your authentic story. Now.

Shout It From the Rooftops

December 9, 2014 Rooftops

Somewhere early in my upbringing, I’d acquired the belief that if I wanted something that seemed too good to be true, speaking it would greatly reduce the chances of it happening or even prevent it altogether. At a subconscious level, I’d been programmed to believe that to talk about the very thing I desired would be to jinx myself from getting what I wanted.

This ill-conceived idea became so deeply embedded in me that I’d carried it up until recently, when I figured out that, in fact, I’d had it all wrong. The very idea that something is “too good to be true” is fatalistic. To think something is unlikely because its prospect seems too great essentially is to deny it the very opportunity to manifest.

The truth is that giving voice to the very thing we want is how we breathe life into it.

Declaring our intentions out loud sends a clear and distinct message to the Universe of what we want to create, and energy conspires naturally in support of our desires. Energy goes where thoughts flow.

The power of our thoughts and words works equally in both directions, making it imperative to concentrate only on what we do desire. It’s vital to avoid inadvertently giving life to what we don’t want by starving worry of thought and words alike.

As the saying goes, “Worry is prayer for what we don’t want.” To worry is to place energy on undesirable outcomes at the expense of what we do want, so don’t even go there.

Let’s claim with conviction the authentic stories we’re bringing forth into the world. Say it as though it’s already happened.

When we place one hundred percent of our energy in service of our dreams, we leave no room for anything but our desired outcomes to manifest.

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